The Ageless Life Club was founded by Antonia Ruhl.

Antonia was born in Brazil. From a very young age she intuitively knew which herbs were beneficial for treating various health issues and before long bus loads of patients arrived in her town to receive treatment from the “Wunderkind”.
From birth Antonia was able to see energy and spirits and receive messages from non-physical entities or directly from source.
Later she did more formal studies in herbalism and a wide range of other modalities. She studied under Chico Xavier, the famous Brazilian medium and was initiated as a Tribal Medicine Woman by the Medicine Man of the Amazonian Kayapo tribe, who believed her to be the reincarnation of her great-grandmother, who was a Tribal Princess and a Tribal Medicine Woman.
Antonia was always very curious about how the human body worked.
In her early twenties Antonia moved to Australia. In 1990 she opened the Natural Stress Therapy clinic in Melbourne Australia, where she treated clients with every health issue imaginable.
After a number of years of operating her natural health clinic, Antonia Ruhl became very famous for natural fertility when her female menopausal clients started to fall pregnant naturally after she had rebalanced and strengthened their bodies with her herbal tonics and nutritional advice.
Antonia thrived on leading a very healthy and active lifestyle and being the go-to person for health issues for her family, friends and clients.
All this changed when Antonia was physically and mentally crippled in 2019 after a tow truck reversed at speed into the car she was in. Antonia could barely walk due to agonising pain. She was unable to work or pursue any of her lifestyle pursuits that she enjoyed so much, like going to the gym, kickboxing, hiking, rock climbing or just spending time in nature.
Antonia Ruhl not only found herself battling severe, chronic physical pain but also severe PTSD and depression. She had lost her health, her mobility and her purpose and enjoyment of life.
For years she found herself in a very dark place. Nothing was able to bring her any real joy anymore. She saw lots of doctors and specialists but nothing made any real difference to her ongoing physical and emotional pain.
When all her doctors told her she would not really get better anymore, she finally realised it was up to her to find a reason to get better. She needed to rediscover her purpose in life.
Antonia knew from a young age that she came here to serve humanity, but that seemed impossible now. She knew she had to find a way to restore her health to be able to continue to fulfil her purpose.
She had to dig very deep to restore her health and mobility which allowed her to once again serve her purpose and enjoy life once again. She was still experiencing a lot of pain on a daily basis but her desire to serve was so strong that she was able to override the pain most of the time.
It was the life changing car accident and the resulting pain and trauma that seeded the idea of the Ageless Life Club in Antonia’s mind. Antonia desires to make it easier for others to find help for their health issues and their pain and suffering.
Antonia Ruhl hopes you will join her in this adventure to rewrite humanity’s concept of ageing.