Antonia Ruhl realized very early in her life that she was born to serve humanity. This realization took her on a lifelong journey of self-exploration and self-development.

Antonia has great love and respect for all living things. She has a passion for life that is contagious and a depth of compassion that is a true rarity.
Since the age of eight Antonia Ruhl demonstrated great knowledge of the healing properties of plants. Whenever anyone got sick in her town she intuitively knew the right herbs to take to them that would help them to get better. Antonia’s great grandmother was a tribal medicine woman and somehow Antonia had inherited her great insights into the healing powers of plants.
As a result her grandfather decided to take her to the Kayapo Indians living in the Amazon region in Brazil as often as possible to allow her to learn more about her heritage and the amazing healing properties of many Amazonian plants.
Later, in her late teens Antonia lived for two years with the Kayapo tribe studying with the medicine man who believed that she was the reincarnation of her great grandmother, who was a tribal princess and tribal medicine woman of the Kayapo tribe.
Antonia Ruhl has studied with many spiritual masters from many different traditions.
Antonia opened a natural health clinic in Melbourne, Australia, in 1990 to fulfill her lifelong desire to serve humanity. Over the years the clinic evolved and now focuses on the use of Amazonian herbal teas to assist in the rebalancing of the human body for optimum health.
Many people utillise Antonia Ruhl’s herbal teas to increase their energy levels or allow them to cope better with stressful lifestyles.